All About Sports Betting
Sports betting is a lot of fun, and it’s one of the main reasons why it’s so popular. It’s a form of entertainment like any other, and losing money on wagers is simply the cost of that entertainment. The chance of actually winning some money, however unlikely, just makes it even more appealing. 2 days ago The American Gaming Association estimates 7.2 million people will place online wagers for the Super Bowl and generate $4.3 billion in bets. Interesting wagers include a $3.4. Betting on sports is a popular pastime. And when we say popular, we REALLY mean it. Countless people all over the world enjoy sports betting, so much that they collectively spend billions of dollars on it each year.
We remember when the idea of sports betting made people feel uncomfortable. This might surprise you, depending on your age, but it wasn’t actually that long ago. People would associate sports betting with very negative connotations. Anyone who bet on sports was basically considered a degenerate.
The sports betting industry has a wide range of rewards that players get after betting. The odds in sports betting are varied, making it possible for people to start winning instant rewards after placing their bets. 3) Boosts finances Many people are looking at sports betting as one of the industries that can help them boost their finances. Jan 24, 2021 Legalized sports betting currently operates in the District of Columbia and 19 states, including New Hampshire and Rhode Island.
Thankfully, the general attitude to sports betting has changed a lot over the years. Sure, there are still some people who think it’s wrong, but they are in the minority now. Sports betting is finally starting to be considered a socially acceptable pastime.
Sports Betting Odds
One result of this change in attitude is that sports betting gets talked about a lot more. People can discuss it freely, without worrying about being judged. That means there’s a lot more available information on the subject. There are many websites dedicated to sports betting, for example, and even the major sports outlets cover sports betting extensively.
It’s great that sports betting is mainstream now, and that there’s plenty of available information. There’s a slight downside too though. A lot of the information that’s out there isn’t entirely accurate. Some of it isn’t even CLOSE to being accurate.
We think it’s important that you know the truth about sports betting before you get started. There are some facts that you should know, and some myths that you shouldn’t believe. That’s why we we’ve written this article. We separate the fact from the fiction, so that you know exactly what you’re getting into.
George’s Bets is a project in which I want to challenge myself to make money with betting. In a previous article I have already introduced George’s Bets. You are invited to take a look if you want to know more about this project. On this page I share all my future bets with you. The below table(s) will be updated with every new bet that I expect to be profitable. If you like betting just as much as I do, you are free to follow my bets. Remember though: bet responsible!
• SELECTION Describes on which selection of the 1X2 odds I have placed a bet (home, draw, away).
• MIN. ODDS Indicates the lower bound, which means that you should only bet on a match if the odds offered by the bookmaker are larger than or equal to the value of LB. For example: if LB=3.15 for a certain match, you should only bet on this match if the bookmakers offer odds larger than or equal to 3.15.
• ODDS, STAKE, BOOKMAKER Detailed information about my actual bet. Contains the exact odds and stake size, and the name of the bookmaker at which I have placed my bet.
Blair Rodman All About Sports Betting
► How much money does George’s Bets make?
Since I have just started George’s Bets there are no results to show yet. As soon as I have any results to show they will appear here.
All Sports Betting Sites
However, I do have simulated the historical performance the predictive model behind George’s Bets. Over the last 10 seasons this model would have had an return on investment (ROI) of more than 8.5% by betting on the English Premier League. For more information check this post where I introduced the concept of George’s Bets.